- IATSE Voter Toolkit
- IATSE Federal Issue Agenda
- IATSE Political Action Committee (PAC)
- How to Establish a Local Union Phone & Text Banking Program
- How to Establish a Local Union Voter Registration Program
- IATSE - The Union Behind Entertainment & Political Campaigns
- How to Establish a Local Union Candidate Endorsement Process
- IATSE Political Endorsement Tracker
- The Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act
Political / Legislative

The Political/Legislative Department ensures that IATSE members have a voice in the political process and a role in advancing policies that enhance their lives and work. If there is an issue that affects the IATSE, we seek to influence the outcome for the benefit of the IATSE membership. The department assists local unions primarily through issue education, political and legislative activism campaigns, outreach to elected officials, and election mobilization.
Labor unions are under assault, with policies across the country undermining workers’ collective bargaining rights and stripping union workers of the wages, benefits, and retirement security they deserve. We must fight to strengthen the federal labor laws that protect workers’ right to organize a union and bargain for higher wages and better benefits. The department amplifies the collective voice of the IATSE membership through advocacy and grassroots activism to defend against anti-worker attacks, while furthering the priorities of behind-the-scenes entertainment workers.
IATSE legislative advocacy is focused on member priorities, advancing legislation that: protects our right to organize; expands our collective bargaining rights; defends our pension funds and health care benefits; enforces strong copyright protections to protect creative content; preserves and expands federal funding for the arts; expands job opportunities in our industries; and advances equity, diversity, and inclusion. These issues also guide the administration of IATSE PAC. Our PAC supports candidates and elected officials that stand with workers, regardless of party affiliation.
The Political/Legislative Department also facilitates member engagement during election cycles, empowering IATSE members to participate in and support the democratic process. By utilizing the infrastructure of IATSE U.S. Districts, their Secretaries, and Local Union Political Coordinators the department communicates important election information and policy positions of candidates seeking elected office so members can make an educated decision when exercising their right to vote.
- IATSE Voter Toolkit
- IATSE Federal Issue Agenda
- IATSE Political Action Committee (PAC)
- How to Establish a Local Union Phone & Text Banking Program
- How to Establish a Local Union Voter Registration Program
- IATSE - The Union Behind Entertainment & Political Campaigns
- How to Establish a Local Union Candidate Endorsement Process
- IATSE Political Endorsement Tracker
- The Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act