About Us
The International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States, Its Territories and Canada (IATSE) was founded in 1893 when representatives of stagehands working in eleven cities met in New York and pledged to support each others’ efforts to establish fair wages and working conditions for their members.
Today, we work in all forms of live theater, motion picture and television production, trade shows and exhibitions, television broadcasting, and concerts as well as the equipment and construction shops that support all these areas of the entertainment industry.
We are more than 168,000 workers strong in virtually all arts, media, and entertainment crafts, and our mission is to improve all entertainment workers’ lives both inside and outside the workplace.

Local Unions
Within the U.S. and Canada, there are more than 360 Local Unions whose members make up the rank and file of the IATSE. These Local Unions are organized by geographic region and craft jurisdictions, which can be found at our Local Union Directory.
Each local is an autonomous, independent 501(c)5 nonprofit entity. Each determines their own Constitution and By-Laws, officer elections, dues structure, membership meetings, and more through democratic processes.
Locals negotiate labor contracts regarding wages, work rules, and grievance procedures. Some also provide services to their members by administering health and retirement funds, and providing training and education.
The IATSE Locals are subdivided into 13 geographical districts between the U.S. and Canada. Each district has a designated secretary whose responsibility is to maintain records of the Districts activities and finances, coordinate the District’s initiatives among the constituent locals, and facilitate communication between the locals.
District Conventions are required to be held at least once every two years. Many Districts meet annually. The District Conventions are for delegates of the affiliated locals to share common interests, problems, and receive education and training. Resolutions and amendments to the Constitution can originate in the District Conventions immediately preceding the International Convention. Districts are also integral to coordinating the political and legislative activities of their affiliated local unions.

IATSE International
The IATSE International supports the local unions and members by:
- Coordinating negotiation of nationwide agreements within the U.S. and Canada.
- Providing Local Unions with craft, safety, and leadership education.
- Political and legislative lobbying for pro-worker policies.
- Engaging directly in strategic organizing and collective bargaining campaigns.
The International’s General Executive Board is led by the International President. It consists of the General Secretary-Treasurer and 13 International Vice-Presidents. Click here to see our current leadership.
The General Executive Board has the legislative authority to amend the International Constitution by unanimous vote and the judicial authority to hear appeals from locals and members from decisions of the International President.
All officers of the IATSE are elected during the IATSE International Convention, which is held every four years.
Departments and Committees
Contact Us
Official inquiries and business must be submitted in writing to the IATSE General Office.
IATSE General Office
207 W. 25th St, 4th Fl.
New York, NY 10001
(O): 212-730-1770
(F): 212-730-7809
IATSE West Coast Office
2210 W. Olive Avenue
Burbank, CA 91506
(O): 818-980-3499
(F): 818-980-3496
207 W. 25th St., 4th Fl.
New York, NY 10001
(O): 212-730-1770
(F): 212-730-7809
IATSE Canadian Office
22 St. Joseph Street
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4Y 1J9
(O): 416-362-3569
(F): 416-362-3483
IATSE Western Canadian Office
401- 34 West 7th Avenue, Office 412
Vancouver, BC V5Y 1L6
(O): 604-608-6158
Our Local Unions are autonomous, independent 501(c)5 organizations. If you wish to contact an IATSE Local Union, please use our Local Union Directory to contact them directly.
Contact us online
Informal inquiries may be submitted online. Please refer to the information above and our privacy policy for information on how to send official correspondence to the IATSE. By submitting this form, you agree to our privacy policy and website terms of use.