The International does not make official endorsements for any U.S. elected office other than President of the United States. Given IATSE local autonomy, the International defers to its affiliated locals to endorse the elected offices within their local jurisdiction. The International indicates support for federal candidates through IATSE PAC contributions, which it seeks to align with the endorsements made by IATSE locals, districts, and councils.
Timely knowledge of the political endorsements being made by IATSE affiliated bodies is key to ensuring the International political program is effective and reflects the interests of its members. The International encourages IATSE locals, districts, and councils with a formal political endorsement process to inform the International of federal and statewide candidate endorsements by submitting this form.
IATSE local unions without an endorsement process in place can utilize the How to Establish a Local Union Candidate Endorsement Process resource to initiate one.
**While the International encourages its affiliated bodies to also issue state and local endorsements, this form is intended to track federal and statewide endorsements only. Please limit submissions to the elected offices of U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives, Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, and Secretary of State**
Contact the IATSE Political/Legislative Department at with any questions.