
Tom Short Elected IA President For The Third Consecutive Term Nomination slate of Short, Proscia and 13 Vice Presidents, International Trustees, AFL-CIO and CLC Delegates Win on White Ballot

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Thomas C. Short has been elected President of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employes for his third consecutive term by the over 770 delegates in attendance at the 64th Triennial Convention. Short ran unopposed in his bid for the top office of the International Labor Union that represents stagehands, wardrobe, projectionists, make-up artists, hair stylists, trade show and display workers and below the line crafts in the film and television industries in the United States, its Territories and Canada.

In addition to Short, Michael W. Proscia was re-elected as the General Secretary-treasurer for a third term. Proscia was also unopposed in his bid for office.

The “white ballot” continued down the line of Vice Presidential candidates reinstating John J. Nolan as First Vice President, Edward C. Powell as Second Vice President, Daniel J. Kerins as Third Vice President, Rudy N. Napoleone as Fourth Vice President, Carmine A. Palazzo as Fifth Vice President, Jean Fox as Sixth Vice President, Timothy Magee as Seventh Vice President, James B. Wood as Eighth Vice President, Michael J. Sullivan as Ninth Vice President, Michael J. Barnes as Tenth Vice President, and J. Walter Cahill as Eleventh Vice President.

Filling the new created slots of Twelfth and Thirteenth Vice Presidents are Gavin Craig (12th), selected by the Canadian Caucus and Thom Davis (13th) as Vice President at Large elected by the body of the IATSE.

Re-elected to fill the AFL-CIO Delegate positions were Stephen R. Flint and Nancy Manganelli-Bues. C. Gus Bottas was also re-elected to serve as Delegate to the Canadian Labor Congress.

The officers will serve a four-year term, coming up for re-election in 2005 at the IA’s next convention.

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The International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees or IATSE (full name: International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States, Its Territories and Canada), is a labor union representing over 170,000 technicians, artisans and craftspersons in the entertainment industry, including live events, motion picture and television production, broadcast, and trade shows in the United States and Canada.

For more information please contact:
General: comms@iatse.net
Press: press@iatse.net


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