June 27, 2011, By Richard Verrier, Los Angeles Times
IATSE President Loeb has been shaking things up inside the entertainment industry’s largest union. He’s willing to thrust it into high-profile skirmishes on behalf of the nearly 120,000 behind-the-scenes workers who are its members.
When rock star Bono and members of his band U2 recently showed up at the Burton Cummings Theatre in Winnipeg, Canada, they were greeted not with cheers but jeers from more than 80 members of one of Hollywood’s most powerful unions.
Their beef: U2’s decision to hire a nonunion crew to film a documentary of the show that the band had come to finish shooting. “This is nothing short of union-busting,” declared Matt Loeb, president of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees.
To read the article in its entirety, please use the following link: http://articles.latimes.com/2011/jun/27/business/la-fi-ct-loeb-20110621