At a luncheon hosted by District No. 2, IATSE Locals 336 and 485, more than $4,600 was raised for the IATSE-PAC on Saturday, May 20, in conjunction with the District Convention in Phoenix, Arizona.
In addition, on Saturday night, District 4 hosted a cocktail party to raise funds for the IATSE-PAC in Ocean City, Maryland, which raised over $2,500. District 4’s Convention was held on Sunday, May 21, 2000.
Upon learning the results of the fund raising events, International President Thomas C. Short stated he was most appreciative to all the delegates who contributed, and that this obviously demonstrates that our locals and members are understanding the need and purpose for these events.
Included in the plans for future fund raisers is one to be held in August 2000 in conjunction with the Mid-Summer General Executive Board meeting in Boston, Massachusetts.