February 13 – 17, 2023 – San Diego, CA – FOR U.S. AND CANADIAN LOCALS
The IATSE Officer Institute is a five-day, intensive certification program that will be delivered in multiple cities. The week’s courses range from Labor Law and Collective Bargaining to Union Finance, to managing day-to-day challenges and dealing with conflict. Instructors are experts in their fields and classes will provide hands-on, practical tools to be brought back to the local. Officers will earn a certificate and must attend all classes to graduate.
Fill out the application form that corresponds with the Officer Institute you wish to attend and return the completed application via email to officerinstitute@iatse.net or by mail to:
IATSE Officer Institute
207 West 25th Street
Fourth Floor
New York, NY 10001
For Local unions with smaller treasuries, the International has a subsidy program to make attendance feasible. Local Unions are also encouraged to contact their District Secretaries, as many IATSE Districts are also offering financial assistance to students at the Officer Institute.
Through this program, costs of the Officer Institute are split: Local Unions are responsible for transportation, hotels (unless a subsidy application has been awarded), and per diem, and the International Union will pay for the program and instructors.
Rules of the Subsidy Program are as follows:
- Subsidies are only available for the Officer Institute 1.0, not the Advanced 2.0.
- Local Unions who submit a Form LM-4 or LM-3 (or, in the case of Canadian locals, those with gross yearly receipts totaling less than $250,000) are eligible for a hotel subsidy for the Officer Institute. (The application form asks subsidy applicants to confirm their local falls within this category.)
- Once awarded, the subsidy will pay for up to five nights lodging at the designated IATSE hotel, and will be paid directly to the hotel. No funds will be paid directly to the student or the local union. Subsidy recipients must stay at the designated IATSE hotel.
- Ten (10) individual subsidies will be available for each session of the Officer Institute, and will be awarded subject to eligibility and on a first come, first served basis to qualifying local union leaders. Each qualifying local union may receive subsidies for no more than two officers in a calendar year.
- Subsidy applications must be received at least six (6) weeks prior to the first day of the applicable Officer Institute session.
- Transportation, meals, and incidentals are the responsibility of the local union and/or the individual students.
- The subsidy request form should be submitted together with an officer’s regular application to the IATSE Officer Institute. Both forms must be signed by an authorized representative of the Local’s Executive BoardDownload subsidy application