I was in the middle of a move so not feeling rooted can be nerve-wracking but I’ve been staying isolated as much as possible and keeping myself occupied.20-year Local 28 member, Janet Cadmus works as a Costume Crafts Artisan and Dyer. Her job is to create the look of the costume to align with the time period or setting of the world during that era.“I love what I do. I handle the aging and dying breakdown for the actor’s costumes,”
Cadmus says. “I’ve been doing this professionally for 22 years. I love creating a sketch and bringing it to 3D life.”
Since the pandemic hit Cadmus says she has been helping in the efforts with her local by making masks.“Hundreds of masks have been donated,” she says. “Elastic is gold right now. I’ve personally been able to donate over 75 masks.”She says her Local distributes masks twice a week within the community and so far, they have donated masks to veteran facilities, an organization in Puerto Rico, bus drivers and grocery store workers.“I love Local 28,” Cadmus says. “Becca Lewis is our Organizer and she has been coordinating how all the materials get to everyone in the safest way.”
Cadmus says if it wasn’t for her Local, she doesn’t know what she would do.“Our Local has been very supportive,” she says. “We have a text group that keeps each other uplifted and provides encouragement during this time.”“The executive team is working harder now than ever,” Cadmus says. “They have really stepped up and to have that anchor has been very helpful. It’s beautiful. The union is a chosen tribe, we’re a family.”