New York – Thomas C. Short, International President of the IATSE, has issued a statement acknowledging the great effort of union members in supporting and electing candidates who were successful in Tuesday’s elections nationwide. For the first time in a dozen years, the legislative branch of the government will take a new direction which will provide working men and women with the foundation they need to provide for themselves and their families.
The following is President Short’s statement:
“Since 1994 we have been dealing with a Republican Congress in the United States and now, for the first time during my presidency, it appears we are going to have a majority in Congress that will work with us in the Labor Movement to protect working families across this country and provide benefits, including a decent living minimum wage, health care and defined benefit pension reform.
The success of yesterday’s elections is due to hard work and in my opinion, could not have been reached without the support and tremendous efforts of our local unions, their officers and members, as well as the decisions made by the members of the IATSE-PAC.
I am grateful to all of you for your cooperation and assistance.”