
Music Supervisors Deserve a Union Toolkit

An overwhelming majority of film and tv Music Supervisors signed union authorization cards to form a union and become part of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE). However, the major Hollywood studios and streaming companies indicated they will not voluntarily recognize, and will not begin negotiations.

Therefore, we are once again mobilizing a national campaign to ensure Music Supervisors are treated with the same rights and fairness compared to their unionized co-workers.

This page will serve as a one-stop-shop for all materials and assets relevant to this campaign, and will be updated regularly.

For Music Supervisors:

The overwhelming majority of active film and tv music supervisors have already signed union authorization cards. However, the more cards we sign, the louder we can send a message to upper management that we stand united as Music Supervisors.

If you are an active film and tv music supervisor and have not yet signed a union authorization card, please reach out via the campaign social media accounts.

If enough of us change our profile pictures to the square #MusicSupervisorEquity logo, we can identify each other and get the attention of management and the general public.

As the campaign escalates and continues, folks in our networks will be aware that the campaign is ongoing if our logo is still displaying as our profile pictures.

We are sharing short stories  and videos talking about about our experiences as music supervisors on our personal social media channels in order to make our networks aware of the campaign. Be sure to use the hashtags #MusicSupervisorEquity and #SilentWithoutUs

Click here for our handout with suggestions and guidelines.

If you are not comfortable posting on your own personal social media, you can still share your story by submitting it to this form (500 word limit). If your story is selected, it will be posted to the campaign @MusicNeedsSupervision social media accounts anonymously.

Music Supervisors’ issues are urgent, and demand action now. If enough of us sign this petition, we can show Music Supervisors stand together with the support of the entire labor movement, entertainment industry professionals, and fans of our work.

The petition can be found at iatse.co/music-sup-equity

Please note that this petition is open to Music Supervisors and union and non-union allies. So, we highly encourage you to ask folks in your networks to sign and share to their own audiences!

We are asking Music Supervisors to reach out to film/tv and music community members who you have worked with to amplify our message. These could be musicians, labels, directors, showrunners, or even family and friends.

Click here for a sample ask that you can send to them.

Don’t forget to also ask these folks to sign and share the petition!

For Allies, Supporters, Union Members, and the General Public

You may have heard that the community of music supervisors has partnered with IATSE and has formed a union with 75% support.

Some background: We asked the AMPTP (Alliance of Motion Picture & Television Producers)— the negotiating representative for studios in the film/tv industry—for voluntary recognition of our union, which means sitting down to bargain with us. They’ve told us no.

Although we were hoping that they’d respect the decision of the 75% of us who signed cards in support of unionizing, we anticipated that the studios might need to see how serious we are about moving forward with our union effort before being willing to negotiate with us.

In order to show them that we are very serious about unionizing, we are mounting a social media campaign to garner public support for our cause. We simply want what most other professions on set already have – healthcare, fair compensation, pension, timely pay, union representation. You can support us by using our graphics and hashtags, saying you stand with supervisors, and/or sharing a story about how a Music Supervisor helped your project, or simply retweeting our posts!

Twitter: @MusicNeedsSupes
Instagram: @musicneedssupervision
TikTok: @musicneedssupervision

Music Supervisors’ issues are urgent, and demand action now. If enough of us sign this petition, we can show that Music Supervisors have the support of the entire labor movement, entertainment industry professionals, and fans of the film and tv they work on.

The petition can be found at iatse.co/music-sup-equity

Please note that this petition is open to Music Supervisors and union and non-union allies.

Whether you are at the top of your craft within the film & tv or music industry, or just a fan, we can all acknowledge the cultural influence that the work of Music Supervisors has.

One easy way folks can amplify the campaign is to recognize your favorite music moment in a tv or film in a post on any social media platform, using the hashtags #MusicSupervisorEquity and #SilentWithoutUs

Click here to see sample posts below.


Click each photo to download it from Google Drive, or click here for the full folder.

Sample Social Posts

List of Major AMPTP Signatories

**This is not an exhaustive List**

Marvel Film Productions LLC

Marvel Picture Works, LLC

Walt Disney Pictures

Warner Bros. Animation

Warner Bros. Pictures

Warner Bros. Television

Warner Bros. Studio Facilities

Warner Specialty Productions, Inc.

Warner Specialty Video Productions Inc.

Netflix Studios, LLC

Netflix Animation, LLC

Sony Pictures Studios, Inc.

Paramount Pictures Corporation

Paramount Worldwide Productions Inc.

Apple Studios LLC

Apple Studios Louisiana LLC

CBS Studios Inc.

CBS Films Inc.

ABC Signature, LLC

ABC Studios New York, LLC

Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

20th Century Studios, Inc.

Fox Studio Lot, LLC

Fox Alternative Entertainment, LLC

Legendary Features Productions US, LLC

Legendary Pictures Productions, LLC

20th Century Studios, Inc.

Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures Inc.

MGM Television Entertainment, Inc.

Lions Gate Productions, LLC

Focus Features Productions, LLC

Horizon Scripted Television Inc.

Universal Animation Studios LLC

Universal Content Productions LLC

Universal City Studios LLC

New Line Productions, Inc.


Thank you for signing in!

Please present this to the Sergeant-at-Arms for entry.

Reminder: You will need to sign in again for each day of the General Executive Board Meeting.