25-year fireman and Local 478 President Phil LoCicero, details the biggest changes the pandemic has made on his duties as a firefighter during these difficult times.
“We now wear infection control outfits to protect us from the virus,” says LoCicero. “We make sure we wipe everything down daily and we have to check our temperature three times a day. Also, one of our biggest changes are going on medical calls now, this can make a huge difference if someone needs CPR because often, we can get to them before the ambulance does.”
LoCicero says Local 478 has also set up several stationed centers for COVID-19 testing.
“Aside from testing, in the beginning of the pandemic our prop masters donated all of their PTP equipment and contributed thousands of masks, gloves and hand sanitizers to the New Orleans EMS because they were in desperate need of these essentials,” says LoCicero.
“Everybody is concerned and doing their part to help fellow members with filing unemployment, health insurance and additional financial needs,” he added. “Our training coordinator, Adriane Bennett has been doing a great job conducting video conferences, providing Osha training and resources, as well as encouraging members to take the training classes.”