ESTA (Entertainment Services and Technology Association) has announced that Eddie Raymond will receive its highest honor, the Eva Swan Award, which recognizes exceptional long-term commitment to the association, on Thursday October 20th in Las Vegas. The award will be presented at ESTA’s Annual General Meeting which is taking place from 3:30-5:00 at the Embassy Suites Hotel, 3600 Paradise Road, just south of the Las Vegas Convention Center.
Bill Sapsis, who will present the award, commented, “Eddie Raymond has made a career out of serving ESTA and the entertainment industry through the ETCP, TSP and his tenure on the ESTA Board. Eddie’s commitment to safety, with ESTA and the IATSE, is legendary. He has authored numerous articles for industry publications and produced a chapter on training for the book Entertainment Rigging for the 21st Century. I can think of no one more deserving of the Swan Award.”
Eddie Raymond is currently serving the last few months of his final term as ESTA President. He has provided thoughtful, committed leadership during a significant time of change in ESTA’s history, and has always kept everyone focused on the true mission of the association. Eddie’s invaluable service to ETCP includes his serving as the Co-Chair of the Theatre Rigging Subject Matter Experts that developed the original exam, and continues with his presence on the ETCP Council and its Provider Recognition Committee.
The Swan Award is presented to a member who has put forth exceptional efforts in time, expertise, and personal resources, and has been instrumental in shaping the strategic direction and contributing to the realization of the association’s mission. ESTA is pleased to honor Eddie Raymond with the 2016 Swan Award.