The Los Angeles County Federation of Labor held a rally and march through the streets of downtown Los Angeles with a reported 20,000 people who came out to demonstrate their support for workers’ rights and stand with workers in Wisconsin who are fighting to protect collective bargaining.
The IATSE was represented by International Vice Presidents Michael F. Miller, Jr. and Thom Davis, International Trustee George Palazzo, International Representatives Steve Aredas, Ron Garcia, Peter Marley, Lyle Trachtenberg and Ron Kutak, as well as IA West Coast Counsel Jim Varga, and staff from the IA West Coast Office. Los Angeles area Locals turned out their officers and members in the hundreds to join the march and stand shoulder to shoulder with other unions and working families in what is reported to be the largest action led by the LA County Fed in recent history.
President Loeb stated that he is proud of the huge turnout of IATSE local officers and members. “The anti-labor battles being waged by the Republicans in at least 12 states across the United States is nothing less than an attack on every worker, every middle class citizen and everything that the labor movement represents,” he said. “Those waging these attacks are attempting to take us back more than one hundred years to a time when workers were abused and the IATSE will stand together in solidarity with every last worker in this country.”
April 4th – We Are One – will be a National Day of Solidarity.