On Thursday, June 29, the IATSE alerted the studio facility where the non-union dating show “Ready for Love” had rented a sound stage, that a picket line would be forming outside the studio gate early the next morning before crew members were to report to work.
Within a few hours, the IA and Ticking Time Productions, Inc., were in negotiations to avoid a shutdown. By Thursday evening, the crew of around 100 had health and pension benefits retroactive to date of hire, as well as full wages, working conditions, and benefits of the Videotape One-Hour Non-Dramatic agreement. This contract covers both the sizable stage and reality components, about 100 crew members total.
IA International President Matthew Loeb stated, “The IATSE salutes the solidarity of the ‘Ready For Love’ crew in supporting the organizing effort. Their unified voice enabled the ultimately successful conclusion of the negotiations without the necessity of a work stoppage.”
The “Ready for Love” crew will also have a 10 hour turnaround and a weekend turnaround of 32 hours for a five day week and 52 hours for a six day week.
The IATSE Local Union Business Agents and IA International Union Representatives spent Friday morning on set informing members and answering questions about the particulars of the new agreement. International Representative Lyle Trachtenberg spearheaded the organizing effort for the IATSE.