TOLUCA LAKE, Dec. 16 – Thomas C. Short, President of the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employes (IATSE), announced a successful conclusion late tonight (December 16) to early negotiations with Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) for a new Hollywood Basic Agreement.
The new three-year contract affects 30,000 members and 18 locals, consisting of IATSE members actively working in motion picture and television production. Concluding negotiations seven months before the current contract expires on July 31 will allow producers to plan and begin production with no threat of interruption. The new Basic Agreement takes effect August 1, 2006 and runs through July 31, 2009.
The Hollywood Basic Agreement, the dominant collective bargaining agreement between Hollywood producers and IATSE workers, includes substantial wage increases of 75 cents per hour in the first year, and 3% in years two and three of the agreement. Benefit gains include increases of .5% in the second year and .5% in the third year in the Individual Account Plan (IAP), additional pension income for retirees including “13th and 14th checks,” and increased contributions to the health plan and defined-benefit pension plan.
Representatives of the 18 IATSE locals on the negotiating team voted to recommend ratification of the new contract to the membership of their individual locals. The new Basic Agreement will be sent out to the IATSE members in the bargaining unit for ratification in about a month.
Early negotiations for the Hollywood Basic Agreement have become a tradition for the IATSE under International President Short’s leadership. Concluding a new contract half a year before the current contract expires allows producers to anticipate labor costs well in advance of production and serves to avoid a ramping up of production in anticipation of a labor dispute.