TORONTO, ON – On December 10, 2015, IATSE Local 58 filed an application with the Ontario Labour Relations Board to certify the stage technicians at Toronto’s Factory Theatre. The vote was held on December 17 and the ballot box was opened on February 2, revealing that the stage technicians had voted unanimously for union representation. This is a great result for the employees, who are looking forward to working under their first collective agreement.
The historic Factory Theatre is a Toronto landmark. It is actually two buildings – the original “house” portion, built in 1869, and the extension, built in 1910 by the St. Mary’s Catholic Parish. The Factory Theatre moved into the building in 1983, purchased it in 1999, and has been restoring and caring for it ever since.
With the Factory’s focus on providing “theatre with grit” the partnership between the Factory and the union promises to be a good one. On the theatre’s website, Artistic Director Nina Lee Aquino has stated, “Theatre with grit is about tackling work with uncomfortable truths; about developing and producing art fuelled and inspired by outrage at social injustice and inequity; and about recognizing and nurturing artists who are proud of their heritage and possess authentic theatrical voices.” Clearly, this will be a natural fit for the two organizations.