Center for Labor Research & Education
Institute of Industrial Relations – University of California
Berkeley, California 94720
The Labor Center conducts research and education on issues related to labor and employment. The Labor Center’s curricula and leadership trainings serve to educate a diverse new generation of labor leaders. The Labor Center carries out research on topics such as job quality and workforce development issues, and we work with unions, government, and employers to develop innovative policy perspectives and programs. We also provide an important source of research and information on unions and the changing workforce for students, scholars, policymakers and the public.
Center for Labor Research & Education
University of California – UCLA
Los Angeles, California 90095
As part of the university, the Labor Center serves as an important source of information about unions and workers to interested scholars and students. Through its extensive connections with unions and workers, the Labor Center also provides labor with important and clearly defined access to UCLA’s resources and programs. An advisory committee comprised of about forty Southern California labor and community leaders (representing more than one million members in the public and private sectors) provides advice and support for the center.
Labor & Community Studies Department
City College of San Francisco
San Francisco, California 94124
The curriculum in Labor Studies is a two-year program designed to give students a sound foundation in the theory and practice of labor and industrial relations. This course of study will provide members of San Francisco labor unions and other interested individuals with a comprehensive introduction to the role and contributions of organized labor to American society; a thorough grounding in the rights of employees on the job; and a specialized training in the skills necessary to be an effective practitioner in the field of labor and industrial relations.
Labor Studies
San Jose City College
San Jose, California 95128
Web site:
Classes offered through the department of Humanities. Undergraduate and certificate programs.
Center for Labor Research & Studies
Florida International University
Miami, Florida 33199
The Center for Labor Research & Studies was established at Florida International University in 1971 to promote research, curriculum development, teaching and community services in labor-management relations across the state. The Center, whose mission is to provide services to workers and their organizations, is accredited through the United Association for Labor Education. A variety of programs and projects are undertaken by the Center including credit and non-credits classes, conferences, research, and a publication series.
Center for Labor Education & Research
University of Hawaii
West Oahu, Hawaii 96782
Like the many other University & College Labor Studies programs nationally, the Hawai‘i Center for Labor is designed to provide labor education, research and labor-related programs to workers, their organizations and the general public through a variety of methods including classroom instruction, seminars, workshops, publications, the internet and other public media.
School of Labor & Employment Relations
University of Illinois
Champaign, Illinois 61820
The School of Labor and Employment Relations (LER), is one of the world’s premier programs dedicated to advancing theory, policy and practice in all aspects of labor and employment relations. Students in our master’s and doctoral programs pursue careers in Human Resources, Industrial Relations, and related fields.
Labor Education Center
DePaul University
Chicago, Illinois 60604
Founded in the late 1940s, the Labor Education Center has trained thousands of Chicago area union leaders.
Labor Studies at IU Northwest
Indiana University Northwest
Gary, Indiana 46408
The Indiana University Division of Labor Studies (DLS), part of the School of Continuing Studies, provides educational resources to workers and unions in Indiana and elsewhere. Organized in 1946, the division has grown to become one of the largest and most highly respected university labor education programs in the country. Today, with faculty and staff located throughout the state, the DLS serves thousands of participants in a variety of programs each year. The purpose of the labor studies program is to promote a better understanding of the labor movement and its functions in the larger society. The program is designed to enhance leadership skills through informed decisions about economic, social, and political factors affecting workers and the world of work.
Division of Labor Studies
Indiana University Kokomo
Kokomo, Indiana 46904
The Division of Labor Studies also offers an extensive noncredit program, the Union Education Program (UEP). UEP open enrollment courses and conferences are available to workers in communities throughout the state; they are offered in local union halls, on the various campuses of Indiana University, and on the campuses of other educational institutions.
The Labor Center
University of Iowa
Iowa City, Iowa 52242
Since 1951, labor education for Iowa’s organized workforce has been carried out through the University of Iowa’s labor education program. The Labor Center, located within the Division of Continuing Education, annually reaches over 3,000 Iowa union leaders with a wide range of non-credit educational programs in the areas of practical industrial relations, labor law, labor history, communication, leadership, and citizenship skills, economics and public policy, and related are as.
Bureau of Labor Education
University of Maine
Orono, Maine 04469
Through research and programming activities, the Bureau provides Maine workers with information and knowledge designed to help them assess their own situation in relation to the total economic, political, and social environment. Bureau programs, research, and publications focus on providing Maine workers with understanding, skills, and expertise necessary for dealing with work related challenges and opportunities.
Labor Studies
The Community College of Baltimore County – Dundalk
Baltimore, Maryland 21222
The Labor Studies program was revived in 1991, under a new curriculum, with the intention of providing the working men and women of Maryland a place to get training in unions skills and history. The program offers a combination of credit and continuing education programs and now has over 100 workers enrolled in the credit programs. Special classes, in both credit and continuing education, are constantly being developed.
Labor Relations & Research Center
University of Massachusetts – Amherst
Amherst, Massachusetts 01002
The Labor Extension Program at the University of Massachusetts Amherst is a non-credit program providing training and education to Massachusetts workers, their unions, and other workers’ organization. Our focus is on strengthening these organizations and increasing activism. Labor Extension programs are designed to help union and community activists, officers, and staffs build the skills necessary to effectively advocate for the needs and concerns of the workforce through organizing, bargaining, contract administration, political action, and coalition work.
Labor Resource Center
University of Massachusetts at Boston
Boston, Massachusetts 02125
The Labor Resource Center (LRC) provides educational and research programs to workers and to labor and community organizations. The mission of the LRC – to support workers and their organizations as they seek to gain control over their futures at work, in their communities, and in the political arena – is carried out through its three programs under the guidance of the LRC Advisory Board.
Labor Extension Program
University of Massachusetts – Lowell
Lowell, Massachusetts 01854
The Labor Extension Program provides educational services and technical assistance to unions in the region covered by the North Shore, Merrimack Valley, Central Massachusetts and North Worcester Labor Councils. The UMass Lowell Labor Extension Program works in conjunction with similar programs at the UMass campuses in Boston, Dartmouth and Amherst.
Arnold M. Dubin Labor Education Center
University of Massachusetts – Dartmouth
North Dartmouth, Massachusetts 02747
The Labor Education Center is available to all the unions and labor councils in our region. It includes training for officers, members and stewards, and a statewide Labor Extension Program. The Massachusetts labor movement now has resources in UMass Amherst, Boston, Dartmouth, and Lowell to meet its training needs in new workplace technology, diversity, organizing (internal and external), and steward’s training, etc.
Labor Studies Center
Wayne State University
Detroit, Michigan 48202
The Labor Studies Center is a comprehensive labor education center committed to strengthening the capacity of organized labor to represent the needs and interests of workers, while at the same time strengthening the University’s research and teaching on labor and workplace issues.
Labor Education Program
Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan 48824
Michigan State University’s Labor Education Program (LEP), as part of the School of Labor and Industrial Relations, brings together University faculty and Union leadership to provide education and training for union leaders and members. Since 1956, our nationally known programs have provided the vehicle for a real world focus on the concerns of working people. LEP works closely with the labor movement on a local, state and national level to further guarantee that programs are designed to fit the needs of local membership as well as International Union staff.
Labor Education Service
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455
The Labor Education Service is the only educational program in the state specifically focused on the needs of Minnesota workers and their organizations. For more than 50 years, we’ve provided training for hundreds of unions and thousands of workers.
Labor Education Program
University of Missouri
Columbia, Missouri 65211
The MU Labor Education Program has been engaged in the development and delivery of high quality leadership training programs for trade union activists in Missouri and other Midwestern states since 1964.
William Brennan Institute for Labor Studies
University of Nebraska at Omaha
Omaha, Nebraska 68182
The William Brennan Institute for Labor Studies began in 1980 as the result of the combined efforts of the Nebraska labor movement and the University of Nebraska. Its statewide mission is to foster creative and critical thinking among labor leaders, potential leaders, and interested members by providing relevant information and training in the skills needed in today’s changing economy and workplace.
School of Management & Labor Relations
Rutgers University , The State University of New Jersey
New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901
Rutgers’ School of Management and Labor Relations (SMLR) is the world’s leading source of expertise on managing and representing workers, designing effective organizations, and building strong employment relationships.
The Worker Institute
Cornell University
Ithaca, New York 14853
Celebrating its 75th anniversary in 2021, the Worker Institute at Cornell has provided support, education and scholarship to assist working people in ensuring their rights on the job, and building effective organizations and strong communities. ILR Extension Labor Programs are designed to deepen the knowledge and strengthen the skills of union leaders and activists, as well as unorganized workers interested in joining together for protection and benefits on the job. Partnering with unions and other worker-focused organizations, ILR Extension labor faculty conduct critical research, provide comprehensive education and training, and offer a variety of customized services focused on labor, employment and workplace issues.
Center for the Study of Labor and Democracy
Hofstra University
Hempstead, New York 11549
The Center for the Study of Labor and Democracy (CLD) is a nonprofit research institute that aims to expand public understanding and discussion of important issues facing working people. CLD pursues a distinctive interdisciplinary research approach designed to produce policy-relevant studies of labor problems and institutions, extending from the local Long Island and New York City labor markets to national and global labor issues. The Center conducts original research, designs and implements surveys, organizes lectures, workshops, seminars and conferences, and publishes periodic reports and working papers.
Harry Van Arsdale Jr. Center for Labor Studies
Empire State College/ State University of New York (SUNY)
New York, New York 10013
Labor studies students are largely union members, staff, or officers, as well as human resource professionals, managers, and those with an interest in labor/management relations in both the public and the private sectors. The emerging sub-field of “working-class studies” has also drawn increasing numbers of students interested in the working-class experience, broadly defined, and in the popular arts.
School of Labor and Urban Studies
City University of New York (CUNY)
New York, New York 10036
The School of Labor and Urban Studies supports the labor movement’s efforts to create a more just and equitable society by conducting research, organizing forums and conferences, developing educational material, and generating publications that promote debate and address issues critical to labor’s future. These studies, events and publications contribute to the growing body of knowledge about work, workers and worker organizations, and create an environment that encourages visionary and strategic thinking among those concerned with the needs and possibilities of poor and working people.
Center for Working Class Studies
Youngstown State University
Youngstown, Ohio
The Center for Working-Class Studies (CWCS) at Youngstown State University (YSU) was the first academic program in the U.S. to focus on issues of work and class. CWCS members have been at the forefront of “new working-class studies,” an international movement that brings together academics, artists, activists, students, and others who are interested in the history, experiences, stories, and politics of the working class.
Labor Education & Research Center
University of Oregon
Eugene, Oregon 97209
Since its inception in 1977, the Labor Education and Research Center at the University of Oregon has made the resources and expertise of the higher education system available to workers, unions, policy makers, and community partners throughout Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. We are committed to improving the lives of working Oregonians and enhancing their ability to participate effectively in workplace and community affairs. We believe that the presence of a strong union movement not only provides workers with vital protections but also is essential to maintaining a just and democratic society.
Pennsylvania Center for the Study of Labor Relations
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Indiana, Pennsylvania 15705
The Pennsylvania Labor Center provides education, research, and training for workers and their organizations. It was founded as the Pennsylvania Center for the Study of Labor Relations in 1976. The Labor Center is linked to the Industrial and Labor Relations Department at Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
Labor Studies & Industrial Relations
Pennsylvania State University
University Park, Pennsylvania 16802
For over sixty years the Department of Labor Studies and Employment Relations has worked with the labor movement to provide union members in Pennsylvania and nationally with high quality education and training opportunities. Generations of union activists have attended classes, conferences, and summer institutes sponsored by the Department’s labor education program in order to increase their knowledge and sharpen their skills. This program has long symbolized Penn State’s commitment to making education accessible to working Pennsylvanians and to its public obligation as a land grant university.
TESC Labor Education Center
The Evergreen State College
Olympia, Washington 98505
The Evergreen State College Labor Education and Research Center is Washington’s only statewide higher education outreach program providing direct educational and research services to labor unions and worker-centered organizations. The Labor Center’s mission is to collaborate with union and community members in designing programs that will help them develop the skills, confidence, and knowledge to become more effective leaders, staff, and rank-and-file activists.
Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington 98195
The Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies supports a network of scholars in cutting-edge research, education, and outreach about work, workers and their organizations. The Center engages students in labor studies through courses and field work. We promote connections between students, faculty, and labor communities locally and around the world, and inform policy makers about issues confronting workers.
Institute for Labor Studies & Research
West Virginia University Extension Service
Morgantown, West Virginia 26506
The mission of the Institute for Labor Studies and Research is to support and strengthen the trade union movement, to improve labor-management relations, to promote social justice within unions, and to enhance labors role in the community. This mission is accomplished by providing university-quality programs of teaching, research, and service for labor organizations at the local, state, regional, and national levels.
School for Workers
University of Wisconsin – Madison
Madison, Wisconsin 53703
The School for Workers is the labor education department of the University of Wisconsin-Extension, Continuing Education, Outreach & E-Learning. Our mission is to educate workers and others about issues of concern in the workplace. Each year we offer hundreds of programs to thousands of union representatives, officers, members, and employer representatives.