
2018 Spring and Summer Safety Observances

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Whatever you think about your job, you should not experience is dread or fear when you think about going to work. A job location or worksite should not be a place of danger.

Last month, IATSE Local Unions commemorated Workers Memorial Day and the National Day of Mourning to remember those lost, injured, and disabled by their unsafe workplaces and to commit to fighting for more safety

In the 1970s, it was estimated that more than 16,000 workers died each year in the U.S. Increased worker protections have resulted in a drop in on-the-job deaths to approximately 5,700 per year in both Canada and the U.S. That number is still too high. In spring and summer each year, the IATSE and our locals participate in several observances to help raise safety awareness at work:

NAOSH Week: May 6-12

The North American Occupational Safety and Health Week (NAOSH), is May 6-12, 2018. This week is dedicated to raising safety and health awareness in workplaces throughout Canada, the U.S., and Mexico. There are many simple things that can be planned to observe this week, like posting safety reminders on employee bulletin boards or articles in Local newsletters, working with employers to schedule more safety meetings, or organizing safety trainings at your Local for this week.

Another aspect of NAOSH Week is to promote safety in the community at large. Holding a safety awareness class for students can help to protect them as they enter the job world can give your Local the opportunity to have a positive interaction in their community.

If you have a trainer at your Local, consider using IATSE-specific OSHA training, available through the Training Trust Fund, to host a class. It has great information about OSHA, workers’ rights, and how to report hazards.

Learn more about NAOSH week by visiting the links below:

What Is NAOSH Week? (U.S.) | NAOSH Week 2017  / Le Semaine SNASST 2018(Canada)

Annual Fall Safety Stand Down: May 7-11
As part of raising safety awareness during NAOSH Week, OSHA has put together a fall prevention campaign each year. This year, the Annual Fall Safety Stand-Down will be May 7-11. Falls from elevation make up over a third of deaths in construction workplaces, and most are preventable. This campaign is meant to focus on this high-risk issue to reduce the number of working people hurt. Everyone can benefit from learning the safe use of ladders.
OSHA provides posters and other promotional materials to bring awareness to your job sites and Local office. They have also developed “toolbox talks” – outlines for short 5-10 minute talks on identifying and responding to common hazards, short videos, and handouts including inspection checklists.
Learn more about fall prevention and Safety Stand-Down by visiting the links below:
OSHA Fall Prevention Program | National Safety Stand-Down Event Calendar |National Safety Stand-Down Resources

OSHA Safe + Sound Week: August 13-19, 2018

A proven method of creating a safer workplace is for a company to have a health and safety program. The program is a plan that employers make to try and eliminate hazards at work. A program uses some specific elements like employee participation, good communications, and training to achieve the goals of safety.
The IATSE is a campaign sponsor and partner for the week. Check out the IATSE logo on the “sponsors” part of the web site!
Safe + Sound Week will be August 13-19. For more information follow these links:
Campaign for Safety & Health Programs | Safe + Sound Week

Heat Illness Prevention Campaign: Summer 2018

Heat is always a potential hazard when working outdoors in summer, and employers are responsible for keeping you healthy. Water, rest, and shade are the simple steps to prevent problems. A heat prevention program to plan and train for emergencies is important. This summer, be aware of the heat and ask your employer about their heat prevention program. Learn more here.
OSHA provides a plethora of resources which may be helpful for workers and local union, including posters this FAQ and info page that also includes links to first aid tips and industry-specific standards. There are educational PDFs and social media graphics and videos available to help increase worker awareness about this preventable workplace illness.
OHSA also has a Heat Safety Tool app for both iPhone and Android smart phones.

We encourage you to provide these health and safety resources to your members. In addition, the IATSE Training Trust Fund offers safety and training resources to all IATSE workers, locals, and employers, 365 days a year. Staff at the TTF can assist you, no matter what your training needs may be. Information, including a downloadable guide to setting up a training program in your own local, may be found on the Training Trust Fund web page.

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The International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees or IATSE (full name: International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States, Its Territories and Canada), is a labor union representing over 170,000 technicians, artisans and craftspersons in the entertainment industry, including live events, motion picture and television production, broadcast, and trade shows in the United States and Canada.

For more information please contact:
General: comms@iatse.net
Press: press@iatse.net


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