
Workers at The Guild to Join IATSE Local 906

CHARLOTTETOWN, PE After achieving overwhelming support, the workers at The Guild signed authorization cards to join IATSE Local 906 in Charlottetown. The authorization cards were filed with the Prince Edward Island Labour Relations Board on September 23rd, 2022. Based on the high level of support for representation indicated on the cards, the province’s labour legislation dictates that a vote is not required. The Board’s decision, issued on March 23, awarded Local 906 sole bargaining rights for all stage employees.

The Guild is a not-for-profit registered charity, featuring an intimate 110-seat black box performance space. The venue, located in downtown Charlottetown, presents and produces first-class music, theatre, dance, and comedy throughout the year. Its provincial mandate is to engage new, emerging, and professional artists, creative industries, and community organizations.

IATSE Local 906, which has represented Charlottetown stagehands for decades, is excited to welcome these new members into the union.

For more information or to arrange an interview, please contact:
Krista Hurdon, IATSE International Representative

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The International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees or IATSE (full name: International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Moving Picture Technicians, Artists and Allied Crafts of the United States, Its Territories and Canada), is a labor union representing over 170,000 technicians, artisans and craftspersons in the entertainment industry, including live events, motion picture and television production, broadcast, and trade shows in the United States and Canada.

For more information please contact:
General: comms@iatse.net
Press: press@iatse.net


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