Makeup and Wardrobe member, Lucia Aloi says she was scheduled as a dresser for Sister Act at the Papermill Playhouse in Millburn, New York when the pandemic hit.
“We were just about to start working on the show for Sister Act and in a few days, we were notified that the show had been canceled,” says Aloi.
Aloi is the Chief Trustee for Local 311 and Rank and File member for Local 21. Since the cancellations of all productions, Lucia has been using her AV skills and running a live stream spotlight for church services every Sunday morning.
“The streaming services are from 9AM to 11AM and its myself and four other individuals,” she says. “It’s been a pleasure to provide this service, it’s brought so much comfort to those in their homes who still want to attend church. I encourage members who are not making masks to definitely use their AV skills.”
Aloi has been a member of the union since 2004 and is the District 10 Coordinator for the Women’s Committee.
“We send out weekly resource fact sheets to make sure all our members are aware of the resources provided to them,” she added.
“I’m so proud of our union,” Aloi says. “It’s really taught me you can count on your brothers and sisters; our people have really stepped up.”
Aloi says her hope after the virus is over is that everyone continues to tolerate each other better and helping one another is sustained.
“This crisis brings out the best in people. That’s who stagehands are, we do for our people,” she added. “It’s no better time than now, to be a proud IA member.”