International President Thomas C. Short announced changes to the IATSE General Executive Board that occurred during the 2004 Summer Session of the IATSE General Executive Board Meeting held in Los Angeles, CA.
Daniel J. Kerins, Second International Vice President and Jean Fox, Fourth International Vice President retired from their positions on the General Executive Board of the IATSE.
Elected to fill the vacancies left on the board were Michael F. Miller, International Representative currently based in the IATSE West Coast office and John T. Beckman, Business Agent for Local 6, located in St. Louis, MO.
Daniel Kerins has served as an International Vice President for 17 years. He also worked as a business manager of IATSE Local Two for 29 years, where he began his career. He spent one year as the secretary of the local before he assumed the position of Business Agent. The IATSE is a family tradition in Kerins family. His father, five uncles and brother were members and he has two sons and a son-in-law working as members of stagecraft local.
Jean Fox held the position of International Vice President of the IATSE for 11 years, as well as heading up the California Branch – Special Department. Fox was Chief Steward of the California Branch – Special Department from 1968 to 1978. In 1978, Fox became International Representative in charge – California Branch – IA Special Department, a position she has held for the past 26 years. In addition to her service to the IATSE, Fox is also a delegate to the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor.
“The contributions of Jean Fox and Dan Kerins to the growth of the IATSE can not be over stated. With their retirement goes an immeasurable amount of history and tradition,” credited International President Short.
Miller and Beckman assumed their offices immediately following the unanimous vote that occurred in executive session.
“The addition of Michael Miller, Jr. and John Beckman, Jr. assures that the progress of the IATSE will continue and we will remain a significant force in entertainment in the United States and Canada,” Short stated.