In a statement issued today, (August 21, 2001), International President Thomas C. Short spoke out reiterating the union’s support of recently introduced legislation (SB-1278), offering a wage-based tax credit allowing production companies to write off part of employee wages. In addition, Short confirmed that the IATSE would continue to oppose countervailing tariffs as counterproductive.
“The IATSE has a 40 year history opposing countervailing tariffs. To begin to impose tariffs against US producers using foreign subsidies is shortsighted, inviting retaliation by our trade partners. In the long term, tariffs will cost more jobs than they will save,” Short stated. In addition, a resolution supporting countervailing tariffs was overwhelmingly defeated by 800 delegates at the 64th Triennial Convention of the IATSE held in Chicago, IL, July 16-20, 2001.
He reaffirmed the IA’s support of “The United States Independent Film and Television Production Incentive Act of 2001” (SB-1278) referring to a statement made on August 2, 2001. Short stated, “The IATSE understands that there may be creative reasons to film at locations outside the United States, this is part of the process of making movies. With this understanding, the IATSE, in concert with the other members of the ‘Alliance,’ supports the co- sponsors of the wage credit bill that will promote a level playing field.”