Los Angeles — The International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employes has been successful in organizing the pilot and projected series of ABC-TV’s prime time game show “Set For Life,” scheduled to air later this season, with Jimmy Kimmel as host. Produced by Endemol USA, “Set For Life,” using Lock And Key Productions as the producing entity began shooting in late August in Los Angeles.
Through their labor attorneys, the company sent their demands to the IATSE in order to establish a collective bargaining agreement. Included in those demands were a list of subcontracts which were unacceptable to the IA. Within 24 hours and with the assistance of its West Coast Production Locals, the IA was able to secure a majority status with those represented crafts people.
At 6:00am on Monday, Aug. 28, a picket line was set up in front of the program’s production facility. When the crew arrived at 7:00am, everyone refused to cross the picket line and supported the IA and Local representatives outside the facility gates. Within one hour, attorneys for the production company commenced negotiations to get the crew back to work, and by 8:30am, both sides were able to sign off on a Memorandum Agreement.
Terms incorporate full wages, benefits and working conditions under the 2006 Videotape Electronics Supplemental Agreement. Benefits are retroactive to each employee’s date of hire, and no individual employees wages or conditions will be reduced as a consequence of the Memorandum.
This agreement underscores the continuing commitment by IATSE President Thomas C. Short to organize employees in reality and game show production throughout the US and Canada.