Valarie Lamour is currently a Broadway House Prop Head, who looks forward to Broadway’s full return in mid-September. As a Broadway stagehand, her job consists of supervising the crew, set up and running of show props. As well as, keeping seating, dressing rooms and actor’s access to the stage in good repair and maintaining the house décor.
Being of Puerto Rican descent, the Local One member says she’s proud to be a “New York Rican” or “Nuyorquina” as referred to in Spanish and a second-generation union member.
“I love my job! It is one of the few artforms in which many people collaborate to make a piece of art [theater]. Each show becomes a family, sometimes together for a couple of weeks, sometimes years,” she says. “Each person backstage and in the house on every show makes it unique and special. Who doesn’t want to be part of that? I can provide for my family, I have excellent benefits because of my union. I also am now politically active and advocate for worker protection and rights.”
Lamour has been an IATSE member for twenty years and says the highlight of her career has been receiving her Local One card and seeing more IATSE BIPOC members celebrated now.
“It’s about time,” she added.
In her spare time, Valarie dedicates her social efforts to the New York City public school community, advocating for better and equal access to higher rated public middle and high schools for Black and Latino students.