
2024 Mid-Winter Meeting of the General Executive Board (GEB)

Official Notice,

This is to advise that the regular Mid-Winter Meeting of the General Executive Board is scheduled to be held at the Sheraton Grand Nashville Downtown, 623 Union Street, Nashville, TN 37219 at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, January 22, 2024 and will remain in session through and including Friday, January 26, 2024.

All business to come before the Board must be submitted to the General Office no later than fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting. Local Union representatives planning to attend the meeting must make hotel reservations with Sheraton Grand Nashville Downtown by calling 1-615-259-2000. Guest room rate for the IATSE is $229, plus applicable taxes, for both single and double occupancy.

Book Your Group Rate | Sheraton Grand Nashville Downtown

In order to ensure that you receive the preferred room rate established for our meeting, you must identify your affiliation with the IATSE.

The cutoff for reservations is Friday, December 29, 2023.

Meeting COVID Protocols:

Masks will be worn at the discretion of the individual. The International President shall reserve the right to require mandatory mask wearing at all meetings should circumstances change in terms of increasing cases.

Proof of a negative COVID-19 test taken within 24 hours of the Monday morning session and the Wednesday morning session will be required to enter the meeting 


Thank you for signing in!

Please present this to the Sergeant-at-Arms for entry.

Reminder: You will need to sign in again for each day of the General Executive Board Meeting.