
2024 Basic Agreement Negotiations: Submit Inter-Local Town Hall Questions

The 13 West Coast Studio Locals are hosting an Interlocal Townhall on Saturday 7/13/24 at 12 pm Pacific / 3pm Eastern. If you have questions that you would like to pre-submit please do so below. Attendees will also be able to submit questions during the webinar presentation.


Submission Received!

Thank you for your question, and for your continued participation throughout this important process.

In the meantime, please visit basic.iatse.net for key contract documents and updates. We hope to see you at the Basic Inter-Local Town Hall on Saturday, July 13th!

In solidarity,
— The IATSE Basic Agreement Negotiating Committee

Thank you for signing in!

Please present this to the Sergeant-at-Arms for entry.

Reminder: You will need to sign in again for each day of the General Executive Board Meeting.